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Focused On Low Cost Operations

Perpetual Energy has two core areas under active development; West Central Deep Basin where operations have been established in the greater Edson with wells producing liquids-rich gas primarily from the Wilrich formation, and Southern Alberta prospective for Helium production. Perpetual Energy also has a significant portfolio of oil sands leases which have bitumen resource potential and may be developed in the long term.

West Central Deep Basin
East Edson Deep Basin, Other

In the West Central deep basin, core operations have been established in the greater Edson area.  The Company is a 50% working interest partner with Tourmaline Oil Corp who operates both vertical, multi-zone commingled wells and horizontal wells producing liquids-rich gas primarily from the Wilrich formation.

Major facilities include one Tourmaline operated gas plant including liquids recovery facilities, one compressor station, a 15.5 km sales pipeline, an extensive gathering system and a 7.5 percent working interest in a non-operated gas plant.

5025 boe/day
26 mmboe
32 locations
Southern Alberta Helium
Beaverhill Lake Helium

Perpetual owns 11,100 net ha of Fee Title land in Southern Alberta prospective for Helium production from the Beaverhill Lake Formation. The acreage is covered by both 3D and 2D seismic data which assists in the identification of commercial accumulations. To date, 2 wells (0.5 net) have been drilled, completed, and tested, with Helium concentrations of up to 1.5% in the raw gas. 

Panny, Liege, Other

Perpetual held 86,402 net acres (97 percent undeveloped) of oil sands leases at year-end 2023 which are geographically synergistic with several of its legacy shallow gas operating areas in northeast Alberta. The land holdings are focused in Panny, Liege and Marten Hills. The bitumen resource potential on several of these leases may be developed over the long-term using a variety of recovery techniques, ranging from near cold production technologies to in-situ thermal techniques such as electro-thermal heat generation technology.

West Central Deep Basin

Southern Alberta Helium


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